Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chalkboard Madness---my new obsession

I can't seem to get enough of chalkboards and chalkboard paint lately.  I have several chalkboards in my home and have just listed several that I've made over the last few weeks to my Etsy shop.  There is just something about them.  They have SO many uses in SO many places.  Some in the office, one in the kitchen for a menu board, one in punk's room, some on the walls as instant wall art, weddings, parties, and baby/bridal showers.  I am waiting (not so patiently) for some warm, wind/rain free weather so I can get out the chalkboard spray paint to make some chalkboard tags! 

Okay, enough talk.  Here is how I've been spending these cold winter's days.  These are just some of them.  Really!

This is my first chalkboard in a faux zinc frame (ala Freckled Laundry) you can see more here

Ahh, vintage milk glass!


  1. How cute are all of these. I love the one on the silver tray.

  2. I love love love chalkbaord paint too!!! Your projects are great, love them, and that first frame is fabulous!! I really want to do a silver tray sometime.

  3. I have a chalkboard obsession too.. have been collecting olf unique frames for months to make a ton for my summer shows!
    Love the rosettes you've added!
    Tammy :-)

  4. LOL I'm a chalkboard-a-holic too. I don't think one in every room is too much do you?
    Have a good weekend!

  5. So cute! Love the idea! I'm a new follower! I also gave you an award over at my blog. Feel free to stop by and grab it! Dana @ D'Lea Designs

  6. Se on merkittävä kohta kaikkien internet-ihmisten hyväksi; he saavat varmasti hyötyä siitä.
