But I do have lots of old, falling apart books so I think I will use those to make my ornaments this year. So far I have only made one of these (I wanted to test out the look before I committed to making a whole tree worth).
But my favorite by far is this book wreath tree topper I made yesterday evening. I basically used an El Cheapo chipboard like coaster that I bought in a set of four for 50 cents at the craft store this summer ( I just knew that I could use them for something). I covered it with parchment colored scrapbook paper. I then made several (maybe 20) cones out of vintage book pages. I broke out my trusty hot glue gun and got down to work. So this vintage inspired tree topper cost me nothing! Well except a couple of hot glue burns. Yay!
Yes, that's a oil bottle. Like I said, fighting the urge! |
Party time...