Do you see this Ugly Little Duckling?
Actually in the picture above, she doesn't look too bad!

Now we are starting to see her true colors.
Well, my lovely
Aunt Nancy gave her to me. It once resided in my Grandmother's house. My aunt no longer had a need for it so she passed it along to me. My grandmother LOVER her some contact paper. She used that stuff on everything. My Dad joked that if you stood still long enough that you were in jeopardy of being covered yourself.
This Ugly Little Ducking was covered in contact paper...multiple layers of different colored contact paper. Now, had this contact paper been evenly and smoothly applied I would have just used Annie Sloan Chalk Paint right over the top of it. Unfortunately it was not. There were big air bubbles, tears and gaps. So I peeled, peeled and peeled some more. Check out some of retro prints I found in this cabinet.
After hours of peeling and sweat dripping in my eyes I was able to start painting...the fun and easy part. I painted the recessed areas with ASCP in Louis Blue as well as the inside of the cabinet. The rest of the cabinet I covered in ASCP Old White.
I waxed the entire thing in Annie Sloan soft clear wax. Then I used just a touch of Briwax Mahogany wax on the recessed blue panel on the side and front of the cabinet and immediately wiped off most of it.
please excuse the big garage mess in the picture! |
One of the glass door panels broke when loading it into my truck. So I went ahead and popped the other one out. I think I want to put chicken wire in place of the glass but I've never done that before. Any suggestions on working with chicken wire?
It's been a rough couple of weeks over here with lots of Dr. appointments and a surgery so that's why I've been MIA. I hope to be back soon with my completely finished cabinet and some fun Fall projects.
Have a great week!
~Aaron {the girl with the boy's name}
MudPies and Marigolds